In recognition of the need for a dedicated group to advance the Division's Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) goals, the 2020-2021 Presidential Trio tasked Ayli Carrero Pinedo with establishing the Inclusion, Diversity, Anti-Racism, Equity (I-DARE) Task Force. This initiative prioritizes a comprehensive approach across all levels of the Division, outlined by its key objectives and accompanying action steps. The I-DARE Task Force members included:
- Ayli Carrero Pinedo, Ph.D., Chair, Member-At-Large
- Megan K. Smith, Ph.D., non-member
- José R. Rosario, B.A., B.S., student member
- Emily Allen, B.S., student member
- Dorothy Chin, Ph.D., Member-At-Large
Carlos Cuevas, President

Dr. Carlos A. Cuevas is an Associate Professor and Co-Director of the Violence and Justice Research Laboratory at Northeastern University in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Jessica Punzo, President-Elect

Dr. Jessica Punzo is a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of Illinois and also an active member of PSYPACT. She completed her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology with a concentration in Traumatic Stress at Adler University.
Dawn Hughes, Past President

Dawn M. Hughes, Ph.D., ABPP, is a clinical and forensic psychologist who specializes in the assessment and treatment of interpersonal violence and traumatic stress.